I was Somewhere west of Buckhannon, WV, wet, cold and bundled in a sleeping bag in a rural bus stop as traffic speeds by on 33...it's the best option I have. Since leaving Elkins this morning, I have been soaked and chilled to the bone. I dried myself out and the rain began again. Then this bus shelter appeared. I thought, "Why not?" Just sit it out for a while. The truth is it is wonderful. This sleeping bag is very cozy. I'd never considered the good a bus shelter offers. Lots of cars are passing but none have the curiosity to stop.
This cold rain could persist all day and all night so a warm dry room would be great. Very unpredictable weather. A motel couldn't be more than 15 miles I told myself. And it wasn't. The motel 8 at I-79 was the closest place with a room. "It's Strawberry Festival Time, hotels are full. Half this motel is closed for renovations," the desk clerk (who looked sketchy) said. "There aren't rooms."
A family with a barking dog occupied the room next to the coin laundry which was only important to me because everything I owned was wet. The kids belonging to this room played in the lobby and laundry creating a public housing feel to the place. It felt real. Their adult family members came and went. This didn't appear to be just one night for this family. The kids were curious about traveling on a bike. They had never heard of Vermont or Canada. They hung on the vending machines.
I came to appreciate the sketchy guy on duty at the desk for being kind and patient with theses two kids...where else could they go? Could I be that kind, I wondered. You face yourself when you're on the road in ways that you can ignore when you're at home. Some people can be extraordinarily kind.
I've yet to stay in a motel on this trip that smelled like an Indian Restaurant. I think word has reached Indian
managers because they're all still there but the smells aren't. The $45-$70 rates at these mom and pop's keep me within my $100 per day budget. A shameful amount compared to the $10 per day budget of the Canadian Couple cycling towards Brazil. And I imagine all the ways the kids' parents could blow this monstrous daily amount. My minimalist style still beats $300 and up for fully pampered touring cyclists who carry nothing but themselves and only experience a raindrop until the nearby sag wagon returns them to a **** B&B. Help is never far away for the pampered.
The experience of the road can be destroyed by too much help. You don't want to be a casualty but expecting others to protect and filter your world isn't living. As an international aid worker, I had drivers, translators, and handlers who made sure my assignment was not too much of an adventure. One time, bored and frustrated by this situation, I swam across a river between Slovakia and Hungry. It brought an element of adventure to that trip and made my handlers crazy...oh how I promised to never do that again.
I can peddle down the road and find a place to sleep. I can appreciate and learn from the imperfect as much as I can from a four star night.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Day With Charlie in Hampshire County
My new friend Charlie included me in his day. This meant I got to go to the Hampshire County Health Center. I got to swim and then put some water bottle holders onto Greg Lemond training cycles. Charlie's a volunteer at the fitness center and maintains equipment. In the afternoon I went with him on the roof of his house where he had begun the installation of a solar water heater. His son Brian helped and the three of us moved that project forward a bit. Later we went to an area restaurant in the evening and then toured Hampshire County.
From Augusta to Petersburg
We took a picture together then I took off. Charlie and Susan are successful Boomers managing life's challenges and being supportive of their kids. They are true angels on Route 50 for cyclists from all over the planet. I felt honored to meet and spend time with them.
The road was fairly good, light traffic, lots of cows and views. It Compares very favorably to Vermont. Not much happened; I watched the front wheel turn and looked at scenery.
I Made it to Petersburg and stayed at the Hermitage which is just opening for the season under new management. The clerk tried to charge me $70 plus tax. I suggested $50 was my limit and she accepted. The room wasn't worth $50.
Petersburg to Elkins
Reached Seneca Rocks which has atmosphere of its own. I had lunch at an upstairs general store restaurant facing the rocks cliffs. There were no climbers in sight. The afternoon's Challenge was route 33 to Elkins. There are 40 miles of Mountains with switchbacks, hairpins, three plus mile climbs and 10% grades. In most stretches the road doesn't offer pavement for cycling any wider than this iPad.
When I left Charlie's yesterday morning it was 28 degrees. Today it's 85+ degrees on this pavement. In the first ten afternoon miles I came upon an overturned tractor trailer with gas leaking onto the road. It would be ten minutes before the responders arrived from Seneca Rocks. The driver crawled out of the truck and went down the hill with another driver. The heat was making this very difficult. I moved on from this scene which I assumed wasn't all that unusual for these parts.
I literally rolled into Harmon. At the end of the town at the last gas station before Elkins I could see the sign it read Elkins 22 miles. Its all mountains, all heat, tractor trailers loaded with logs wanting to get to the end of their day's work and me taking nothing but the edges of the road. My boomer brain said, "Use judgement." The elder lady casually hanging over antique gas station the counter said. "Someone will give you a ride." Someone did who needed the $15 I gave him. Tim got an additional $20 on his grandmas gas account. He was starting a job as a union laborer in the morning. He was worried about the supervisor whom he had words with on a past job. In less than 30 minutes, I was safe, comfortable and grateful for Tim's help. I was on the edge of Elkins at the Iron Rail Inn.
From Augusta to Petersburg
We took a picture together then I took off. Charlie and Susan are successful Boomers managing life's challenges and being supportive of their kids. They are true angels on Route 50 for cyclists from all over the planet. I felt honored to meet and spend time with them.
Me, Susan, and Charlie |
The road was fairly good, light traffic, lots of cows and views. It Compares very favorably to Vermont. Not much happened; I watched the front wheel turn and looked at scenery.
I Made it to Petersburg and stayed at the Hermitage which is just opening for the season under new management. The clerk tried to charge me $70 plus tax. I suggested $50 was my limit and she accepted. The room wasn't worth $50.
Petersburg to Elkins
Reached Seneca Rocks which has atmosphere of its own. I had lunch at an upstairs general store restaurant facing the rocks cliffs. There were no climbers in sight. The afternoon's Challenge was route 33 to Elkins. There are 40 miles of Mountains with switchbacks, hairpins, three plus mile climbs and 10% grades. In most stretches the road doesn't offer pavement for cycling any wider than this iPad.
Seneca Rocks |
When I left Charlie's yesterday morning it was 28 degrees. Today it's 85+ degrees on this pavement. In the first ten afternoon miles I came upon an overturned tractor trailer with gas leaking onto the road. It would be ten minutes before the responders arrived from Seneca Rocks. The driver crawled out of the truck and went down the hill with another driver. The heat was making this very difficult. I moved on from this scene which I assumed wasn't all that unusual for these parts.
I literally rolled into Harmon. At the end of the town at the last gas station before Elkins I could see the sign it read Elkins 22 miles. Its all mountains, all heat, tractor trailers loaded with logs wanting to get to the end of their day's work and me taking nothing but the edges of the road. My boomer brain said, "Use judgement." The elder lady casually hanging over antique gas station the counter said. "Someone will give you a ride." Someone did who needed the $15 I gave him. Tim got an additional $20 on his grandmas gas account. He was starting a job as a union laborer in the morning. He was worried about the supervisor whom he had words with on a past job. In less than 30 minutes, I was safe, comfortable and grateful for Tim's help. I was on the edge of Elkins at the Iron Rail Inn.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Towards the Shenandoah Valley and WV. Saturday
Up and down and up and down. Way too much grass to mow, I think to myself. I come upon a scene out of a Civil War movie. It's re-enactors. Horses, flags, soldiers for both the North the South, women in hooped black dresses, children dressed of the era, Boy and Girl Scouts and onlookers of suburban variety all standing around in a graveyard. A bag-piper plays and someone reads the names of deceased confederate soldiers.
This scene is played out with a high degree of accuracy until a suburban woman faints and a paramedic team with its high tech equipment is brought into the mix and by this time it is clear that her problem was standing in the heat.
I go downstairs in the church and have some good church lady food, then peddle on towards Winchester where I happily take a motel and all its comforts. This iPad and its bicycle app seem to think that from where I sit I should go to Augusta and Romney and then drop down to Elkins. Looks like a good idea.
This scene is played out with a high degree of accuracy until a suburban woman faints and a paramedic team with its high tech equipment is brought into the mix and by this time it is clear that her problem was standing in the heat.
I go downstairs in the church and have some good church lady food, then peddle on towards Winchester where I happily take a motel and all its comforts. This iPad and its bicycle app seem to think that from where I sit I should go to Augusta and Romney and then drop down to Elkins. Looks like a good idea.
From the Metro to the C&O Canal
A smoking cab driver with lots to say took across the Bay Bridge to the outskirts of Annapolis. It's idyllic in and around the Academy. However, The pastoral agricultural scene on the other side of the Chesapeake Bay has given way to Metro DC. Annapolis reminded me of reaching Danbury, Connecticut where it appears idyllic and green, but the driving style becomes aggressive and impatient and that if a bicycle is present it may slow things up. On this trip I have found the suburban driver to be among the most impatient. So much time spent in the car getting to and from.
Too close to DC for comfort.
I made it to a town called Bowie and Camped in a forest full of curious deer. In the morning I rode as far as I could into the District then took the Metro which should have been fast but for a three hour wait to let the rush hour get over. The Metro workers were among the least helpful people I've met on this trip. I asked about attitudes of metro people from a Retired Lt Col I would later meet cycling. "I've lived in both NYC and DC and there is no comparison. NYC folks are much more pleasant...they will look at you. Here, people are looking down."
It was a warm sunshiny day. I took few pictures and made my way towards the Potomac and the C&O canal path. The path was busy with folks who made their way out for the day to run, skate, walk or cycle. No touring cyclists the first ten miles of this winding canal, dreamed of by George Washington but ground broken by John Quincy Adams in 1828 ....but by 1850 railroads had made this an impractical system of lock houses, locks, mosquitoes and mud.
Six guys in ages ranging from early boomer to late boomers with shiny bikes and expensive equipment were just starting out making the trip from Georgetown to Pittsburgh. The rains of recent days had left the path fairly muddy. The paces varied. In the next twenty five miles I would be asked by various of these riders if and how long ago others had passed. Towards sunset, one early boomer appeared to be interested in pushing the group onward to Whites Ferry where I would eventually spend the night.
Luckily, I did just that because the heavens opened and further messed up the trail. I decided I had experienced enough of the trail and wanted a non-mud route. I had seen turtles sunning themselves, great gray herons, deer, snakes, enormous carp sloshing in the muck of the canal. It was good for 35 miles but no more given the extra miles, mud and lack of services.
Whites Ferry is Just that. Mr.White operates the last of its kind and his employees take you on a ferry attached to a wire and a tractor to save thirty miles. No bridge, and people in these parts--although close to DC--like it at way. Except with flooding today there is no crossing.....off I go towards Winchester Va.
Too close to DC for comfort.
I made it to a town called Bowie and Camped in a forest full of curious deer. In the morning I rode as far as I could into the District then took the Metro which should have been fast but for a three hour wait to let the rush hour get over. The Metro workers were among the least helpful people I've met on this trip. I asked about attitudes of metro people from a Retired Lt Col I would later meet cycling. "I've lived in both NYC and DC and there is no comparison. NYC folks are much more pleasant...they will look at you. Here, people are looking down."
It was a warm sunshiny day. I took few pictures and made my way towards the Potomac and the C&O canal path. The path was busy with folks who made their way out for the day to run, skate, walk or cycle. No touring cyclists the first ten miles of this winding canal, dreamed of by George Washington but ground broken by John Quincy Adams in 1828 ....but by 1850 railroads had made this an impractical system of lock houses, locks, mosquitoes and mud.
Six guys in ages ranging from early boomer to late boomers with shiny bikes and expensive equipment were just starting out making the trip from Georgetown to Pittsburgh. The rains of recent days had left the path fairly muddy. The paces varied. In the next twenty five miles I would be asked by various of these riders if and how long ago others had passed. Towards sunset, one early boomer appeared to be interested in pushing the group onward to Whites Ferry where I would eventually spend the night.
Luckily, I did just that because the heavens opened and further messed up the trail. I decided I had experienced enough of the trail and wanted a non-mud route. I had seen turtles sunning themselves, great gray herons, deer, snakes, enormous carp sloshing in the muck of the canal. It was good for 35 miles but no more given the extra miles, mud and lack of services.
Whites Ferry is Just that. Mr.White operates the last of its kind and his employees take you on a ferry attached to a wire and a tractor to save thirty miles. No bridge, and people in these parts--although close to DC--like it at way. Except with flooding today there is no crossing.....off I go towards Winchester Va.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Getting over the Bay Bridge and Delaware...
I'd portaged through NYC Port Authority, passed through the dregs of Atlantic City, Crossed the Delaware from Cape May; the sun was out, the road ahead flat and straight, no problems. Life was good And i was Out on Del 16 when a loose end of a bungee cord caught a spoke then wrapped itself into the rear gears.
Everything came to a halt. I quickly realized I was over my head.
No bike shop open before 11:00 and if it doesn't carry Cannondale parts I'll have to go to Annapolis. That's $395 in a cab. The Motel desk clerk is online doing a bicycle tutorial. He comes out with pliers and the two of us bend and tug and jointly acknowledge a bicycle mechanic is needed. I call the bush pilot/cyclist Dan in Calif who is from Lewes about his thoughts; this guy is so on the ball. "Hold on I'm calling my brother. He's taking his wife to Annapolis today." A Delaware Trooper gets in on it. Then drives off. The Indian housekeepers are hanging on the balcony speaking Hindi. Dan calls back. "There's a shop a quarter mile down the road. Let me know if you need anything else." The motel clerk is back online. "25 miles," he says. After no more than 1/4 mile, I hear a whistle, its the bike mechanic across the divided highway. Dan had called him.
Shaeffers Bicycle doesn't inspire confidence. It's a series of connected metal warehouses piled floor to ceiling with everything bicycle new and old, more than I have ever see in my life...more than most anyone could even imagine.
"If you can get this fixed, you're my heroes," I say up front and meaning it. They pull out old parts and jointly do what was happening back at the motel talking all the while.
Cindy's husband, thirty her senior, died in 2010 and left her with two sons that sleep late and the bike Store. Wally has a wife in Tenn. twenty years his senior whom he hopes to get back to. A scruffy dog in a beat up chair barks when the door opens. "hush up Jacky". Cindy says, I'll be out in a minute."...Customers are just people who stop by at Shaeffers Bike Shop. If they happen to spend money, that's okay too.
Cindy is a self-confessed hoarder. She says her husband was too. She announces, "I'm going to clean this place up one day. I have a man friend in Florida I thought about going there." She directs and fine tunes Wally's work. From this chaos comes a repair that works as good as new and I have two heroes and its not yet noon.
The rest of Delaware I found exceptionally dull. It explains how after all these years I didn't have much of an impression about the place. In the two days I've been here, I've read more signs or heard more references to the way to get OUT of Delaware....THE BRIDGE, THE FERRY. The land is flat, fertile, and highly farmed. The roads are straight and flat. There don't appear to be a lot of dogs, horses or public parks or places to go. The food is hoagies and pizzas. Nothing too interesting in the way of housing. The states history with George Washington throwing the coin across the Delaware is manufactured. Oh, well. There are two heroes at Shaeffers Bike Shop in Lewes, Delaware and that's enough for one day. Away I ride toward the Chesapeake bay bridge,
Everything came to a halt. I quickly realized I was over my head.
No bike shop open before 11:00 and if it doesn't carry Cannondale parts I'll have to go to Annapolis. That's $395 in a cab. The Motel desk clerk is online doing a bicycle tutorial. He comes out with pliers and the two of us bend and tug and jointly acknowledge a bicycle mechanic is needed. I call the bush pilot/cyclist Dan in Calif who is from Lewes about his thoughts; this guy is so on the ball. "Hold on I'm calling my brother. He's taking his wife to Annapolis today." A Delaware Trooper gets in on it. Then drives off. The Indian housekeepers are hanging on the balcony speaking Hindi. Dan calls back. "There's a shop a quarter mile down the road. Let me know if you need anything else." The motel clerk is back online. "25 miles," he says. After no more than 1/4 mile, I hear a whistle, its the bike mechanic across the divided highway. Dan had called him.
Shaeffers Bicycle doesn't inspire confidence. It's a series of connected metal warehouses piled floor to ceiling with everything bicycle new and old, more than I have ever see in my life...more than most anyone could even imagine.
Wally and Cindy - my heroes. |
"If you can get this fixed, you're my heroes," I say up front and meaning it. They pull out old parts and jointly do what was happening back at the motel talking all the while.
Cindy's husband, thirty her senior, died in 2010 and left her with two sons that sleep late and the bike Store. Wally has a wife in Tenn. twenty years his senior whom he hopes to get back to. A scruffy dog in a beat up chair barks when the door opens. "hush up Jacky". Cindy says, I'll be out in a minute."...Customers are just people who stop by at Shaeffers Bike Shop. If they happen to spend money, that's okay too.
Cindy is a self-confessed hoarder. She says her husband was too. She announces, "I'm going to clean this place up one day. I have a man friend in Florida I thought about going there." She directs and fine tunes Wally's work. From this chaos comes a repair that works as good as new and I have two heroes and its not yet noon.
The rest of Delaware I found exceptionally dull. It explains how after all these years I didn't have much of an impression about the place. In the two days I've been here, I've read more signs or heard more references to the way to get OUT of Delaware....THE BRIDGE, THE FERRY. The land is flat, fertile, and highly farmed. The roads are straight and flat. There don't appear to be a lot of dogs, horses or public parks or places to go. The food is hoagies and pizzas. Nothing too interesting in the way of housing. The states history with George Washington throwing the coin across the Delaware is manufactured. Oh, well. There are two heroes at Shaeffers Bike Shop in Lewes, Delaware and that's enough for one day. Away I ride toward the Chesapeake bay bridge,
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Delaware Crossing, Part II
You have to
love a summer place. There is an intentional disregard for much that consumes 12 month homes and towns. The colors become less serious. They seem to
be set up with no work in mind but sitting, relaxing, and, if you're lucky, just
gazing at the ocean. Some creative
methods are employed to get folks a peek at the surf. The widow's walk is a modern variation atop
three story homes here otherwise blocked from an ocean view.
I can't imagine these places as entirely useful for aging
boomers. Most of the newer homes have garages on the first floor and
living space on the next two and use every square inch of property for building
these enormous homes. If rental property
can be packaged into the deal, all the better.
I promise my wife I will visit her shore town of Stone
Harbor. It is a very pleasant family-oriented town with lovely shops on a
Main Street--or that was the way it was remembered. Word had reached Karen that her family's little Cape Cod style house had been sold once since her Mother sold it around
1980 for just above seven figures. This seemed unimaginable. The real estate market and what it does with
ocean view property is, well.... Stupid! One day before too long it will be underwater
in all ways.
Karen's place in Stone Harbor |
I make it in time for the last Ferry at six. The 18 mile/80 minute crossing not only
saves time but offers an exotic feel to a trip. Dolphins jump and dance as this
steel hulk pulls out the harbor. "Don't feed the sea gulls," the signs
read. Encouraging them could cause a kid with a hot dog to get a real scare. The winds have the surf up and even this ship
capable of carrying 100 vehicles had passengers going for the sea sickness bags.
I'm stationary and
people come by and ask standard questions. "Where did you start?" "Where are
you going?" "Where do you sleep?" "How do you eat?" I like to give short answers because folks want to talk
of their adventures. I like to hear their stories. It seems to encourage their sense of
adventure. They remember what it was like to take chances, to feel youthful.
Wifi is everywhere including this boat. I decide to e-mail Warm Showers, a bicycle home share that I've hosted but never been a guest
of. Here's one: A guy who's crossed both the US and Canada on bike. Oh, he's been
a pilot for humanitarian causes in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
It is nearly dark by the time the boat gets to Lewes,
Delaware. It looks it could rain any
moment and it is getting dark fast. I start down the road assessing all the
options including any place that is dry where I wouldn't be conspicuous or
pulled in as a vagrant. I think this
undignified for someone my age but there aren't a lot of options now. I ride for maybe six to ten miles. I don't have a computerized odometer--they made me obsessive. It's getting real dark. Finally, I come upon a
pleasant motel set back and I settle in.
Just as I'm closing my eyes the cell rings and its Dan the bush
pilot. He's on the west coast working.
"Sure the
place is my parents' down the road and they gladly said they would take a guest. It's their payback for all the nice folks who took me in
when I crossed Canada and the US. " Total strangers, we chatted. Then
rolled over and went to sleep.
Dry Delaware night - in the hotel. |
Atlantic City to Ferry and Across the Delaware; 63 miles
No visibility. Fog
and light rain were the prediction. I
had to backtrack through an area of Atlantic City. As a child, Atlantic City came up at Miss
America time in the fall. There was one
TV in the house and it would have been unthinkable--Un-American--for a patriotic
family to pass on host Bert Parks from Atlantic City with 50 or 51 beauties in
the Miss America Pageant. Mothers and daughters would cry when he would sing.
That was a more innocent time that would bore most
younger people; Atlantic City was a dream place then. The boardwalk and hotels were elegant and an
enormous source of pride for New Jersey. It had something that neighboring New York didn't.
I'm sorry Chris Christie, I hope everything works out for
you. You probably want to be President
and your weight would undoubtedly be an issue.... I see it is a national point of discussion
today. Many boomers remember the glory days...you and
Donald Trump can't make it better. Enough.
Atlantic, Baltic, Ventnor. Oh, Monopoly must been inspired by this place!
The town of Ventnor is next. I had a roommate, Rizzo from Philadelphia. His
parents had a giant summer house here. This was long before The
Sopranos, but the pieces started coming together.
There are a thousand or more intersections between
Atlantic City and Cape May at the southern tip of NJ. On a bicycle, every intersection could
be a problem. I've drawn the free from jail card: there is almost no traffic.
The giant brick homes of Ventnor and Margate set on
postage stamp lots become wood by Ocean City.
I turn and go a couple blocks and ride the boardwalk. The Atlantic to my left, a wall of two- to three-storey perfectly kept
summer homes mile after mile after mile. This is the scene for nearly sixty
miles except for estuaries and bridges that cars pay $1.50 to cross between
towns. I relish my cyclist status, passing free through tolls.
Sandy's impact not as great as closer to NYC but it
explains the small army of contractors in panel trucks and pickups that are
painting, sawing, and generally readying homes and rentals for next month. That's
about all the human activity here this time of year in this weather Flat as a pancake, good tailwind, no traffic
or rain.
My way of crossing the Delaware. |
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Day Ten End of New England and Beyond!
The mantra of the first week: "It will be better next week" has come to pass. Now, I simply enjoy the riding. I think to myself, I will never make this ride this way again. If I see it again there will be glass between me and it. My New England has been absolutely perfect to me. It is behaves like a child with good judgement when an old bachelor or old maid aunt comes for a rare visit. It is on best behavior: there are no hurricanes, blizzards, ice storms, or sizzling heat. Natives remark that this is one long stretch of great weather for cycling or anything.
To see a place from a bicycle seat is special. Here I see people who love, protect and preserve their places and local history. The Boston Strong campaign evolving out of the marathon massacre represents healthy people living in this strong and healthy place.
I peddled into Kent, Conn.. along the Housatonic River. Kent Academy students were sculling along this ideal pastoral river sitting. Even though the earliest settlers had serious differences with their homeland, when you see this place there can be no question why it was called "New England". It is said that no one comes to New England ever for a first time because they have seen it on calendars and post cards and read of it and its heroes from the time of childhood.
A highly polished Rolls Royce, roof down and no owner in sight, created a sub-story of a Connecticut style of New England with a Rodeo Drive twist. The antique shops are no longer barns; they are galleries with special lighting and French names painted in gold on clean plate windows. There are comfortable seating areas outside for bored husbands. The eateries offer gourmet, vegan, vegetarian, and fusion choices. Al fresco dining with black or white starched table cloths. It feels different here. It isn't crowded here but there is less open or personal space with every mile.
I wish it were possible to ride through New York City but I decide I will take a bus to Atlantic City and begin again there. I have ridden twice before north to Massachusetts in the last thirty years and I want a new route. I have also ridden the cycle ride around New York City at an annual event held in early May. In the future, distance cyclists will ride on a greenway through the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan right onto the Staten Island ferry and across the great bridges into New Jersey. That will be some wonderful day in the (hopefully) not-too-distant future.
42nd St. New York Port Authority and the up escalator is broken. I need to transfer to another building.... Hundreds, maybe thousands of people and this all happens and I'm in my seat, seat bike and bags under the bus with 30 seconds to spare for a total transfer time of less than ten minutes.
Gamblers leave NYC for Atlantic City about every thirty minutes. What could be imagined as a nightmare went rather smoothly. I was sailing down the NJ Turnpike with a Sopranos landscape outside the window.
Whatever irritated the bus driver didn't get my attention but twice he pulled over and threatened to put the folks in the seat in front of me off. As a general rule, nothing good happens after the third seat back from the driver. Just like in school, mischief still happens in the back of the bus. If you use a bus like this and have time and $5 you can purchase a priority boarding pass which generally will get you up front.
I ended the day in Atlantic City and found my way quickly out of town to a small motel with a nice rear window view of marshland full of long legged birds. Relaxing.
To see a place from a bicycle seat is special. Here I see people who love, protect and preserve their places and local history. The Boston Strong campaign evolving out of the marathon massacre represents healthy people living in this strong and healthy place.
I peddled into Kent, Conn.. along the Housatonic River. Kent Academy students were sculling along this ideal pastoral river sitting. Even though the earliest settlers had serious differences with their homeland, when you see this place there can be no question why it was called "New England". It is said that no one comes to New England ever for a first time because they have seen it on calendars and post cards and read of it and its heroes from the time of childhood.
A highly polished Rolls Royce, roof down and no owner in sight, created a sub-story of a Connecticut style of New England with a Rodeo Drive twist. The antique shops are no longer barns; they are galleries with special lighting and French names painted in gold on clean plate windows. There are comfortable seating areas outside for bored husbands. The eateries offer gourmet, vegan, vegetarian, and fusion choices. Al fresco dining with black or white starched table cloths. It feels different here. It isn't crowded here but there is less open or personal space with every mile.
I wish it were possible to ride through New York City but I decide I will take a bus to Atlantic City and begin again there. I have ridden twice before north to Massachusetts in the last thirty years and I want a new route. I have also ridden the cycle ride around New York City at an annual event held in early May. In the future, distance cyclists will ride on a greenway through the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan right onto the Staten Island ferry and across the great bridges into New Jersey. That will be some wonderful day in the (hopefully) not-too-distant future.
42nd St. New York Port Authority and the up escalator is broken. I need to transfer to another building.... Hundreds, maybe thousands of people and this all happens and I'm in my seat, seat bike and bags under the bus with 30 seconds to spare for a total transfer time of less than ten minutes.
Gamblers leave NYC for Atlantic City about every thirty minutes. What could be imagined as a nightmare went rather smoothly. I was sailing down the NJ Turnpike with a Sopranos landscape outside the window.
"Peter Pan" bus for a boomer sworn to never grow old. How fitting. |
Whatever irritated the bus driver didn't get my attention but twice he pulled over and threatened to put the folks in the seat in front of me off. As a general rule, nothing good happens after the third seat back from the driver. Just like in school, mischief still happens in the back of the bus. If you use a bus like this and have time and $5 you can purchase a priority boarding pass which generally will get you up front.
I ended the day in Atlantic City and found my way quickly out of town to a small motel with a nice rear window view of marshland full of long legged birds. Relaxing.
From Lenox to Stardust
To watch friends leave in comfortable cars and know that somewhere between here and NY there is a field with my name on it momentarily causes a pause in the middle of the night in that great bed in that great room .
But Sunday morning, Sunday yes brought glorious sunshine once again and the promise of more great days on a bicycle in New England. Passing into Connecticut has the subtlest of differences with Massachusetts just as Massachusetts did with Vermont. The roads get better pretty quickly when you enter Mass. The farms in Western Mass. along the Conn. River appear bigger and more corporate, less family. The prevalence of colleges and prep schools in Mass along this scenic route is an obvious difference and the parents that come for spring visits are something of an industry in themselves in these quaint Mass and Conn. towns. The homes of the states' residents become increasingly more manicured as I peddle southward, as if everyone has a landscaper and has already mulched to the max. Original sculpture in and around one's property is not uncommon.
By the a time I got to Kent I recalled more than once the poem read at dinner the night before. The Berkshires poets were noted but it was the Canadian Poet that was chosen because of the starting point of this ride. Because of the Boomers sitting there in the Men's Library in this enormous house having dinner and being skillfully read a poem written by a beloved Canadian of our Generation; by someone we all loved and never thought of first as a poet. Susan, started slowly.
"By the time we got to Woodstock we were half of New York, We were stardust we were golden......" Yes, the poet was Joni Mitchell from Canada, and for that moment we were the Gilded Boomers....I would sleep in a field in Kent, Connecticut.
But Sunday morning, Sunday yes brought glorious sunshine once again and the promise of more great days on a bicycle in New England. Passing into Connecticut has the subtlest of differences with Massachusetts just as Massachusetts did with Vermont. The roads get better pretty quickly when you enter Mass. The farms in Western Mass. along the Conn. River appear bigger and more corporate, less family. The prevalence of colleges and prep schools in Mass along this scenic route is an obvious difference and the parents that come for spring visits are something of an industry in themselves in these quaint Mass and Conn. towns. The homes of the states' residents become increasingly more manicured as I peddle southward, as if everyone has a landscaper and has already mulched to the max. Original sculpture in and around one's property is not uncommon.
May 5 - view from my campsite toward Kent School. |
By the a time I got to Kent I recalled more than once the poem read at dinner the night before. The Berkshires poets were noted but it was the Canadian Poet that was chosen because of the starting point of this ride. Because of the Boomers sitting there in the Men's Library in this enormous house having dinner and being skillfully read a poem written by a beloved Canadian of our Generation; by someone we all loved and never thought of first as a poet. Susan, started slowly.
"By the time we got to Woodstock we were half of New York, We were stardust we were golden......" Yes, the poet was Joni Mitchell from Canada, and for that moment we were the Gilded Boomers....I would sleep in a field in Kent, Connecticut.
Monday, May 6, 2013
Lenox and the Gilded Boomers
Someone told someone that friends of Ralph Waldo Emerson liked Lenox and the Berkshires In the 1860's. Herman Melville, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Edith Wharton and Norman Rockwell heard and they liked the area as well. One thing led to another and Wharton of the famed New York City Jones Family who seemed to be everywhere at the start of the Gilded Age and for whom "keeping up with the Joneses" was coined set down roots in Lenox. The rush was on and an inland Newport mocking English Manor life, (a la Downton Abbey) became the thing here between 1870 and 1930. Today, the mansions are schools, Classy Inns, cultural centers and a smattering of private homes. Modern-day pilgrims to this culture and clean air spot include James Taylor and lots of world class musicians and artists.
My journey to Lenox was a similarly circuitous tale but for the riches or fame.
Our base camp is a 48 room gilded age cottage called Windyside. Its entrance doesn't disappoint. To know this place is to know Lenox and the incredible players of the Gilded Age. Eleanor Roosevelt entertained here, the Vanderbilt's, Morgan's, Wharton's, were members. Serious croquet and tennis are the sports of this otherwise small, old, quirky club of old shoe, artists, and history-loving outsiders.
Fourteen Boomer friends from West Virginia, New England and New York are joining us for our celebration of Life.. The weather, the setting, the food, the walks, the conversations, the Kentucky Derby party with Club members are all stuff of Cheever or Wharton. Tanglewood the summer home to the Boston Symphony, The Shakespeare Festival, Jacobs Pillow Dance Festival are yet to open so tourists are nearly non–existent. Just great weather, friends and plenty of elbow room are in town. The rest is the stuff of great memories.
My journey to Lenox was a similarly circuitous tale but for the riches or fame.
Our base camp is a 48 room gilded age cottage called Windyside. Its entrance doesn't disappoint. To know this place is to know Lenox and the incredible players of the Gilded Age. Eleanor Roosevelt entertained here, the Vanderbilt's, Morgan's, Wharton's, were members. Serious croquet and tennis are the sports of this otherwise small, old, quirky club of old shoe, artists, and history-loving outsiders.
Fourteen Boomer friends from West Virginia, New England and New York are joining us for our celebration of Life.. The weather, the setting, the food, the walks, the conversations, the Kentucky Derby party with Club members are all stuff of Cheever or Wharton. Tanglewood the summer home to the Boston Symphony, The Shakespeare Festival, Jacobs Pillow Dance Festival are yet to open so tourists are nearly non–existent. Just great weather, friends and plenty of elbow room are in town. The rest is the stuff of great memories.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
May is town meeting time. Hand-painted signs are up. Citizens are expected to register and attend this meeting to vote on the business of the town. "Pure Democracy" is what New Englanders wanted out of their Revolution with England, and what they go to this very day.
In small halls that are sometimes unheated, sometimes without bathrooms, citizens vote on everything from new snow tires for the town police cruiser to setting asides land for a walking path to a new roof on the town hall or school. This is how democracy still works in New England in 2013 over 238 years after they asked it.....
In small halls that are sometimes unheated, sometimes without bathrooms, citizens vote on everything from new snow tires for the town police cruiser to setting asides land for a walking path to a new roof on the town hall or school. This is how democracy still works in New England in 2013 over 238 years after they asked it.....
Day 7. The Creamery Coop, Cummingston, Mass.
Three miles uphill out of Williamsburg, three down into Cummingston on the western slope of the Berkshires I found the Creamery Coop sitting by itself at the foot of the hill. The food is delicious --the bakery too. The members are the sustainability set. No flip flops or sandals in this group. It's work books and plenty of dirt on your jeans . Six tables at a bay window surrounded by useful product like African baskets, a lending library, the Earth Day Flag Flying overhead. Recycling bins and more tea and beans than a super market. People pass through for a moment's sociability or an extended sit and chat.
I camped on the East Branch or the Westfield River 300 feet south of the Creamery. It is reputed to be the cleanest river in Mass. Signs showing the Atlantic fresh water Salmon declaring ...Throw it back! As the sun set, what I thought were a flock of low flying birds was a school of salmon.
In the sand at the edge of the river this morning were deep claw prints that weren't there the night before--less than twenty feet from my sleeping bag. I asked at the Creamery where I now sit with coffee about bears...."Oh ya. Love the dumpster."
I'm twenty miles out of Pittsfield and twenty more to Lenox which is approx. 1/3 of the trip.
One thing that stands out about New England is the small town Libraries which are remarkable contributors to quality of life. Also, the commitment to community history evidenced by the number of community museums.
The German Dr. at the next table talking with a local carpenter declares that his wife stayed in NY because she had a concert coming up and she's avoiding all the pollen in the air. Art and music talk at the no-rush checkout. "What makes Boomers happy to be here?" I ask the lady behind the counter.
"The appeal is clean water, clear thinking, and the great outdoors appears to be priceless to Creamery Coop customers," says Zoe.
I camped on the East Branch or the Westfield River 300 feet south of the Creamery. It is reputed to be the cleanest river in Mass. Signs showing the Atlantic fresh water Salmon declaring ...Throw it back! As the sun set, what I thought were a flock of low flying birds was a school of salmon.
In the sand at the edge of the river this morning were deep claw prints that weren't there the night before--less than twenty feet from my sleeping bag. I asked at the Creamery where I now sit with coffee about bears...."Oh ya. Love the dumpster."
I'm twenty miles out of Pittsfield and twenty more to Lenox which is approx. 1/3 of the trip.
One thing that stands out about New England is the small town Libraries which are remarkable contributors to quality of life. Also, the commitment to community history evidenced by the number of community museums.
The German Dr. at the next table talking with a local carpenter declares that his wife stayed in NY because she had a concert coming up and she's avoiding all the pollen in the air. Art and music talk at the no-rush checkout. "What makes Boomers happy to be here?" I ask the lady behind the counter.
"The appeal is clean water, clear thinking, and the great outdoors appears to be priceless to Creamery Coop customers," says Zoe.
Raging spring in New England. |
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
The offending helmet. |
Bob the Bike Store Man and the new helmet
Ten years for a helmet I don't think of as being old. Scratch, crack, or pieced strap only means
I've just gotten to know the thing. Bob Taylor of Taylor's Bikes had a different idea.
"Throw out that helmet. It's old and ain't worth a damned." Somewhat defensive although not entirely surprised that politeness is secondary to honesty in Mass....it would never come down like this, i tell myself, in polite WV. But I'm into it.
"I paid more than a $100 for it," I said."
"You paid too much." he said.
"What's going on with cycling here?" I ask.
"My grandfather started over 100 years ago. He started with harnesses. He brought in some of the first bikes for people in North Hampton. The Smithies, that's what we called them, came with their English style bikes from their oversees tours. We were the first to have Maytag washers and did goods with that. we did good in the 80's here.
"Now There are 16 bike shops in this town. There are only 3 in the city of Cambridge. It's ridiculous they are all trust fund bike shops. You go down In front of the College on Saturday morning and there will be 100 guys and girls in Lycra. Now they're a bunch of posers. They stand around and look at each others equipment and pose. $5,000 some of them have in the latest stuff. Bikes have changed more in the last ten years than they had in the previous 100."
Yankees shoot from the hip. I put on my new helmet and headed for the Berkshires.
World of extremes!
This morning I passed a late friend's boarding school. In 1962 when I paid a visit it was called The Stoneleigh Prospect Hill School For Girls and it looked like a country club. Now, the sign reads Stoneleigh- Burnham School and it still looks like a country club. A flood of memories hit which is the wonderful part of a boomer brain having old files mix with the present.
It was time for food and a truck stop appeared. Enough of the rarified world! A stack of pancakes and a cast of real world characters very different from the Deerfield experience.
"Do you want meat with that?" the waitress asks.
"No thanks."
" You're going to pay for it," she says.
"Ok," thinking, I can eat whatever I want. A motorcycle at a truck stop OK. A loaded touring bicycle
Down the road is North Hampton, which, among other things, is home to Smith College. The town allows itself a good deal more edginess than Hanover the button up home of Dartmouth. A transgender admissions protest involving thousands of students is happening. Four thousand have signed petitions concerning transgender student admissions which has consumed student and media this morning. It's an international looking student body with an interesting sense of fashion or non-fashion.
Headed East on 9 towards the Berkshires I'm convinced Veterinary Clinics, Landscape Designers and growers, Farmers, and Bike Shops are principal employers after Boarding schools,
Colleges, and, of course, antique shops. I decide to stop and get my helmet strap fixed since the thing won't stay put. An old style non-flash bike shop has a matching codger running it. I stop.
It was time for food and a truck stop appeared. Enough of the rarified world! A stack of pancakes and a cast of real world characters very different from the Deerfield experience.
"Do you want meat with that?" the waitress asks.
"No thanks."
" You're going to pay for it," she says.
"Ok," thinking, I can eat whatever I want. A motorcycle at a truck stop OK. A loaded touring bicycle
Down the road is North Hampton, which, among other things, is home to Smith College. The town allows itself a good deal more edginess than Hanover the button up home of Dartmouth. A transgender admissions protest involving thousands of students is happening. Four thousand have signed petitions concerning transgender student admissions which has consumed student and media this morning. It's an international looking student body with an interesting sense of fashion or non-fashion.
North Hampton Smith College shopping opportunity. |
Headed East on 9 towards the Berkshires I'm convinced Veterinary Clinics, Landscape Designers and growers, Farmers, and Bike Shops are principal employers after Boarding schools,
Colleges, and, of course, antique shops. I decide to stop and get my helmet strap fixed since the thing won't stay put. An old style non-flash bike shop has a matching codger running it. I stop.
Perfect day near perfect places and very fortunate people. Day 5. 35mi
That is how the 32-mile ride ended at historic Deerfield. Everything today was reaching a point of perfection.
The azalia, the magnolia,the forsythia. The grass was that perfect deep green the air fresh and clean. Historic Deerfield a later period than colonial Williamsburg. More comfortable and settled. 1750 1850.
Homes are adapted successfully for real living without compromising. This is a maze of subtle colors and picket fences, period correct planting yet real families live here. Moderate and lower income reproductions are only understood as such by the bicycles and toys strewn about.
Faculty families planting doorstep gardens and chat over non-plastic picket fences. Real people living non-TV directed lives. On the green, Deerfield Students play baseball, soccer, lacrosse, run and cycle. It's a perfect spring afternoon 200 students are in motion and not a single electronic device can be seen.
I take my electronics to the banks of the Connecticut. I'm waiting for the sun to set to try my new sleeping bag out ......
Next morning
The camping went well. Kanawha valley and Deerfield CT River Valley share the plague of road noise amplified by the very hills that make them beautiful...
Wifi this morning thanks to Tibetan B&B of Deerfield....
The azalia, the magnolia,the forsythia. The grass was that perfect deep green the air fresh and clean. Historic Deerfield a later period than colonial Williamsburg. More comfortable and settled. 1750 1850.
Homes are adapted successfully for real living without compromising. This is a maze of subtle colors and picket fences, period correct planting yet real families live here. Moderate and lower income reproductions are only understood as such by the bicycles and toys strewn about.
Faculty families planting doorstep gardens and chat over non-plastic picket fences. Real people living non-TV directed lives. On the green, Deerfield Students play baseball, soccer, lacrosse, run and cycle. It's a perfect spring afternoon 200 students are in motion and not a single electronic device can be seen.
I take my electronics to the banks of the Connecticut. I'm waiting for the sun to set to try my new sleeping bag out ......
Next morning
The camping went well. Kanawha valley and Deerfield CT River Valley share the plague of road noise amplified by the very hills that make them beautiful...
Wifi this morning thanks to Tibetan B&B of Deerfield....
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Day 4. Bellows Falls to Brattleboro....
Antique shops, crafts shops, B&B's BMW's I'm riding into the megalopolises playground .
Wilderness no more! I feel a longing for what drew my brother to that wilderness at the north border. An intensity goes with all those things people must protect. The driving style changes. The foods even in the quick stops is special for the tastes of Southern Vermonters and their visitors. I've been on a green power diet of blended Kale, spinach and fruit. I have powdered versions that I mix with fruit juice. This morning when the world wasn't looking I pulled into a farm stand restaurant and had a chocolate croissant ...then I had a raspberry!
You drop into Brattleboro. I did an interview with the Reformer the second paper of VT and set off for downtown. Brattleboro is Berkley without the campus. It's tie-dye and Birkenstocks, It is so different from everything to the north that it is comical. Now it was time to buy a new sleeping bag and mat which I did . I then checked into a motel for the wi-fi and the night,
Wilderness no more! I feel a longing for what drew my brother to that wilderness at the north border. An intensity goes with all those things people must protect. The driving style changes. The foods even in the quick stops is special for the tastes of Southern Vermonters and their visitors. I've been on a green power diet of blended Kale, spinach and fruit. I have powdered versions that I mix with fruit juice. This morning when the world wasn't looking I pulled into a farm stand restaurant and had a chocolate croissant ...then I had a raspberry!
You drop into Brattleboro. I did an interview with the Reformer the second paper of VT and set off for downtown. Brattleboro is Berkley without the campus. It's tie-dye and Birkenstocks, It is so different from everything to the north that it is comical. Now it was time to buy a new sleeping bag and mat which I did . I then checked into a motel for the wi-fi and the night,
Day 3. St Johnsbury to Bellows Falls Vermont
Thoreau in the 1860's made his Connecticut River Expedition and wrote a naturalist's book of the same name. This is a popular cyclist route, particularly in the fall. I am surprised when a colorful young bird pulls up behind this slow moving codger and engages a conversation. She's escaping her medic job in Newton Mass post marathon Massacre. "The first few days we went around saying very little, but it's getting back to normal," she says.
You climb, you coast. You have a mile or two level and you repeat it again. The low volume of traffic, litter and absence of billboards is very appealing. Commercial distractions are very limited. This Vermont effect creates a space for calm and peace as a cyclist.
I sometimes forget that I have a BOOMER MISSION. The Caladonian in ST. J. did a piece on Boomers. I gave the boomer Sports writer a book and he told me about his cycling in VT. A postmaster, a pizza maker a social worker and boomer retirees all told me What Makes Them Happy. It's health and wellness, recreation, grandchildren, the garden and being outdoors. Not one Boomer has told me of a single material thing that makes them happy.
In this time of terrorist massacres, good news and happiness is very welcome. I spent one more night in Wilder and headed out from Bellows Falls towards Brattleboro Vermont at the southern border.
You climb, you coast. You have a mile or two level and you repeat it again. The low volume of traffic, litter and absence of billboards is very appealing. Commercial distractions are very limited. This Vermont effect creates a space for calm and peace as a cyclist.
I sometimes forget that I have a BOOMER MISSION. The Caladonian in ST. J. did a piece on Boomers. I gave the boomer Sports writer a book and he told me about his cycling in VT. A postmaster, a pizza maker a social worker and boomer retirees all told me What Makes Them Happy. It's health and wellness, recreation, grandchildren, the garden and being outdoors. Not one Boomer has told me of a single material thing that makes them happy.
In this time of terrorist massacres, good news and happiness is very welcome. I spent one more night in Wilder and headed out from Bellows Falls towards Brattleboro Vermont at the southern border.
Day 2: St. Johnsbury to Wilder, Vermont
Cool is good on a bike; windy isn't. Fortunately the morning gusts blew away. With each mile this "Dolly Sod" like world slipped away. The MOOSE crossing signs begin to disappear. The Connecticut River is ahead.
This is post card and Calendar Vermont. This is maple syrup, covered bridges, round barns and very old churches and cemeteries. A early morning Vermonter gave me a hearty hello. I stopped and traded stories. Upon leaving I asked about the road ahead. "Oh, I'd say its mostly level or downhill...." then he added his Vermont humor..."except where its uphill."
Forrest green Subarus of the early 90's vintage with "Say NO to Wind" bumper stickers are giving way to New York and Connecticut Volvos and BMW's. Antique shops are opening for the season.
Wilder is is across the Connecticut River from Hanover where Dartmouth Sits. A childhood buddy is my host. We attend a cookout at his daughter and son-in-law's across the street from the campus. This is a rare world of privilege and opportunity for the successful and the fortunate.
My hosts are both young Medical Doctors at Dartmouth Medical Center. They have two young lovely daughters. It was mild and memorable low-key time with exceptionally good people.wt
This is post card and Calendar Vermont. This is maple syrup, covered bridges, round barns and very old churches and cemeteries. A early morning Vermonter gave me a hearty hello. I stopped and traded stories. Upon leaving I asked about the road ahead. "Oh, I'd say its mostly level or downhill...." then he added his Vermont humor..."except where its uphill."
Forrest green Subarus of the early 90's vintage with "Say NO to Wind" bumper stickers are giving way to New York and Connecticut Volvos and BMW's. Antique shops are opening for the season.
Round barns and livestock dot the landscape. |
Wilder is is across the Connecticut River from Hanover where Dartmouth Sits. A childhood buddy is my host. We attend a cookout at his daughter and son-in-law's across the street from the campus. This is a rare world of privilege and opportunity for the successful and the fortunate.
My hosts are both young Medical Doctors at Dartmouth Medical Center. They have two young lovely daughters. It was mild and memorable low-key time with exceptionally good people.wt
Canadian Border. Norton, Vermont
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My brother's cabin in Vermont. |
28 degrees. "No photography" at this lonely little border crossing say two officials looking sleepy. Three Miles south is my brothers cabin built 15 years ago for the wilderness and for the snow. This is an arctic-tundra environment appealing to woodsmen, hunters,snowmobile enthusiasts and nature lovers. The few houses mostly hug the road. Snow is measured by the foot here. It's crisp and sunny, woodpeckers tap messages to their lovers. Loons and Canadian geese float over misty bog like ponds where Skeletons of trees stand guard.
A garish nightmare of homemade signs with quirky statements pollutes this natural wonderland. Goose egg 50 cents.
Beyond is Island Pond and Lyndonville Hardscrabble timber towns where the winters road sand is inches deep. Vermonters are out early scratching the thatch from their lawns with leaf rakes and sweeping sand in their shorts-radios set at 9 ....Spring is finally here! The blessing and the curse of cycling is that you see, hear and smell everything that you miss in your car bubble. In some class the evidence is of bad choices. The roadside report is says there is problem with hard drugs in this area.
A large granite marker with a brass plate sets off the road with an appealing bench.Recognizing revolutionary figures is commonplace in New England. This marker said in "1797 nothing happened here."
The town of St. Johnsbury was still ahead. My mantra was now "this will feel better next week." My longest ride in preparation for this trip was 30 miles. Preparing physically my first concern was being able to stay on the seat for five hours a day at the start... speed is not my concern.
The town of St. Johnsbury reminds me of Elkins. It is hilly. It has a noted Academy a few museums and antique shops and cafes. 50 down my brother shuttled me back to the cabin to celebrate his birthday with a dinner a good nights sleep and then a return to St. J. The next morning. I was on my way.
Monday, April 22, 2013
WV sausage gravy biscuit
Pack your passport...If you want to go to Stanhope, Canada and have French fries smothered in gravy...A Quebec comfort food... Fifty miles later its gone.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
"Neighbors" News
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Here's the ad we ran in the Neighbors section of the Charleston newspapers -- our open invitation to Boomers everywhere to join us at tomorrow's launch. |
The Kanawha Valley Neighbors section of the Charleston Gazette had all kinds of interesting things in it today. In addition to the ad we ran for the Boomers book launch party (Thursday, April 18, 2013 -- National Animal Crackers Day), they ran a nice long story about the event.
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I'm honored that they gave me four columns of space! |
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On the front page! |
Neighbors also ran a story about the Kanawha Valley Village People, a local senior group that is part of the Village to Village network and is near and dear to my heart. KVVP is slated to receive a portion of any profits earned from book sales, so if you are thinking of buying a copy of Boomers to keep or give as a gift, know that it will go for a good cause.
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This looks like an interesting article! Can't wait to see next week's "Neighbors." |
Monday, April 8, 2013
Friday, March 15, 2013
Boomers in the News
BOOMERS made an appearance in today's Charleston Daily Mail. To read the full article online, click HERE.
Unexpected Praise for Boomers
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#34: Personal snail mail trumps e-mail by a power of 100. #82: Send 'thank you' notes...ASAP! |
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Launch Party - With A Boom!
--Dateline Boomer, WV
The name "Boomer" and its sherbet-colored cottages hanging charmingly from the mountainside distinguish
this village of 500. On April 18th, National Animal Cracker Day, starting at 10:00 AM, author James Thibeault hopes to add a third distinction to his
neighbors' town by giving baby boomers of Boomer a copy of his new book, "Boomers: 400+ Tips and Hings from the Generation that Refuses to Grow Old".
Thibeault, a boomer
wellness advocate, plans to bicycle to the state Capitol in Charleston along Route 60 / Midland Trail Scenic Highway, giving away 65 copies of his wisdom- and wellness-focused book to 65
baby boomers. Taking his own advice
#203: "Riding a bicycle and living a life - both work best if you keep moving," the 66-year-old boomer hopes to inspire others of his generation to live with a BOOM!
#411: 65 - No speed limit on changes, no brakes for age.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Why Write a Book?
For author James Thibeault, writing "Boomers" was not just another "Bucket List" accomplishment to check off and forget about; Thibeault wrote this book with the idea that it would help start a movement -- a movement to encourage folks to "Live With a Boom!". A member of the Baby Boomer Generation, when Thibeault realized he had already outlived the life expectancy he had at birth, it affected him, taking a little wind from his sails. However, after talking to his wife and other Boomer friends, Thibeault came to realize that the aging generation can be as full of vitality as their children and grandchildren -- you just gotta keep moving!
Aging in the 21st century is no longer synonymous with poor health, thanks to advances in science and medicine and increased understanding of how to live a healthy lifestyle. "Boomers: 400+ Tips and Hints from the Generation that Refuses to Grow Old" is a tool to use for encouragement, advice, and most importantly a way to open the discussion about how you wish to live your "Golden Years."
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Boomers is a lighthearted approach to a serious message. It's an easy, enjoyable read, but it's more than just a novelty book! |
Here's an excerpt from the book's introduction:
Theday I turned 65 so did 10,000 other people. We were as close to 30 as 100. The birthday wish was simple... good health and youthful vigor, a modestrequest for a generation that changed the course of race, wars, women, theenvironment, animal rights, sex and marijuana. What would be so difficult aboutgetting to l00 on our terms?
Ibegan asking myself and boomer friends, “What keeps you going? What renews youas you face these new challenges?” I set out to harvest some of the wisdom ofmy generation and discovered a renewed mindfulness and balance. I had forgottenmany of the simple things that made life enjoyable.
Thibeault has his own share of Boomer accomplishments. As a VISTA Volunteer, he organized the nationally known Cabin Creek Quilts Cooperative. Internationally, he is credited with the development of Colors of Life Africa benefiting women and children of Kenya with HIV Aids. Together with his wife Karen Glazier he developed Good Living Homes in 1981, which was one of the first green model homes for older people. He has served as an international development consultant in 15 countries and 4 continents. James is the host of the TV show "Health Chat", a fitness and health advocate, and Co- Chair of the Kanawha Valley Village People, a Village to Village Model for Boomers who are designing their own retirement in their own homes through internet support. A portion of the book’s proceeds will go to this group. He is a Jefferson Award winner and his wife is 2012 WV Social Worker of the Year.
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James' work has received national press coverage throughout his career. |
To relax, James has organized three Freedom Treks to benefit a Booker T. Washington complex in his community. He led bicycle trips from Tuskegee, Alabama and Newport, Virginia and 250-mile hike from Booker’s slave home in Hales Ford, VA, to Malden, WV. He also organized the Regatta River Swim from the Capital in Charleston 1.5 miles to the center city. A bike ride from Canada to Charleston, WV to promote "Boomers" is scheduled to begin May 1, 2013.
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James has successfully orchestrated awareness campaigns for history and wellness. He will be peddling from Canada to Charleston, WV in May as part of the "Live With a Boom" Movement. |
Join the Movement!
You can join the movement by joining James Thibeault as he pedals down the East Coast from Canada to Charleston, WV. Not ready to jump on your bike yet? You can start your own journey by buying the book or sponsoring Thibeault's campaign. Contact the author through the comments on this blog, the "Live With a Boom!" Facebook page, or by emailing live.with.a.boom@gmail.com.
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